Thursday, January 19, 2012

What's cooking?

Well, a lot of things actually. Not necessarily food but there's a lot of things going on in my mind right now. I got three unexpected calls this afternoon. I got a missed call from London because I overslept. Woke up after lunch but dozed off again for an hour before finally getting up. A slow day for me but I would say a promising one.

I was offered a job which would give me, give or take, 3 grand per month. Thing is, it's a 24/7 job and I don't want to go back into that. I'm keen on making myself my own boss. That's why I declined the offer and talked to the person who referred me. Thanked her for thinking about me but I told her that don't want to go down that road again. Been there, done that and that's enough.

I got another call from my boss asking me to cover a morning shift tomorrow. Of course I turned it down. I don't want to work on my days off. I've dedicated 5 days a week, 2 days on  extra shifts, for work and that's that. When I work I give it my all. So when it's my day off I don't want to be bothered. I never answer my phone when the calling party is someone I know from work. Never. They would just hear my ring back tune Lazy Song by Bruno Mars... don't feel like picking up my phone so leave your message at the tone 'coz today I swear I'm not doing anything. Nothing at all. Cool huh?  If it's really necessary I'd call back. If not, I'll ignore the message and get back to them when I'm on duty. That's how it works now. 

Information overload. That's what I intend to do tomorrow. Got a lot of stuff to learn about the business. Lots of things that I need to know to keep it running and keep me up-to-date on products and services. Got the start-up kit today and watched the DVD. Pretty awesome. Inspirational. And I intend to share it with whoever is interested. 

Are you? 

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